What Does It Take to Engage Students and Meet Your Goals?

You need the right size pool, omnichannel engagement, and insightful analytics. Conference season is in full swing for recruitment-related events. We just had our National Conference in July (our first in-person since 2019), which attracted more than 1,000 campus professionals. And like many of you, we are gearing up to attend NACAC in September (where … Read more

Building Student Confidence in Oral Communication: The Importance of Low-stakes Presentations | Faculty Focus

Most students dread presentations. Every time I start a new semester, and I announce that presentations are a requirement, the fear and tension in the room rises and becomes palpable. Granted, not every student hates presenting, but according to Marinho et al. a majority of college students, 63.9% to be exact, have a fear of … Read more


Dr. Shirley JeffersonShirley Jefferson has been named vice president for community engagement and government affairs at Vermont Law and Graduate School. Jefferson served as an associate professor of law and as an associate dean for student affairs and diversity at Vermont. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Southeastern University and a juris doctorate from Vermont … Read more

Aradhana Khaitan, Manya – The Princeton Review

Aradhana Khaitan is a fresh-faced, female entrepreneur who has been working in the test prep – and more recently, recruitment – market in India for a number of years. She spoke to The PIE about her company’s enduring focus on students’ potential for success as the real barometer of success. When she founded Manya – … Read more

Every Campus A Refuge: When University Becomes a Home

by Rasha Faek, Managing Editor, WENR Since ECAR’s launch, 12 U.S. academic institutions have hosted more than 50 families on participating campuses, including 80 people at Guilford College alone. Universities have long supported refugees by offering them academic scholarships. But some academics are paving the way for universities to provide a new and very practical … Read more

State educational gag orders targeting colleges are on the rise, report finds

Listen to the article 4 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Dive Brief: State-level bills that seek to restrict topics colleges can teach, like race-related subjects, are on the rise this year compared to 2021, according to a new report from PEN America.  The free speech nonprofit tracked … Read more